Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's With the Title?

Coming up with a unique title for this blog was a bit tricky. Apparently, there are other American girls living in Barcelona who think similarly to me. They stole my clever blog titles! Wait, they had them first. So what's with the title of this blog anyway. I don't even live in Spain yet and I'm already naming things in Spanish? I know, I know. To tell the truth I'm not in love with it either. I promised several friends I'd be starting this thing though. Rather than procrastinating until I created the perfect title I decided to go with Espana Ventana, "Spain Window".  I've always had a love of windows, especially old ones with chippy paint. I love the idea of gaining a new vista, or new perspective. God has certainly changed my perspective dramatically in just a year. So as I prepare to embark on this adventure in trust the concept of a view from the outside in seemed to fit! Plus, doesn't Espana Ventana just flow? Oh, the Spanish speak so beautifully. I can't wait to get my Spanish up to speed. But before any of that can happen I've got to hop down to the garage and finish setting up for a major garage sale. This week is all about purging that which we do not love. But I digress. Anyway, very soon I'll be looking in from the outsider view of American Expat in beautiful Barcelona. Can't wait to share more of it with you all.


maneuveringthemaze said...

I LOVE the title, and your attitude, and as you know I too love old windows. I remember our search for the perfect Old Window at the Re-Store.
That was a good day!
Love ya,

Tim and Amanda said...

Thank you you for the invite to follow your blog! Sounds like you will have many exciting stories on here! Love the name and safe travels to Spain!
Amanda Sullivan (MOPS)

Alishia said...

Fun! Not too far from the Mediterranean. I pray that transition is smooth and that your homesickness will not overwhelm your excitement about this new opportunity. Of course there will be adjustment, but nothing can separate us from the love of Christ! xo