Sunday, April 8, 2012

So it's been a While....

I'm getting a lot of flack lately for not posting in such a long long time. What it's been four months already? Jeesh, what have I been doing anyway?

You mean besides my regular mama jobs (planning, shopping, cooking, cleaning, caring, driving, reading stories, home working, listening, explaining, disciplining, hugging, comforting, kissing...)?

I've been figuring out life abroad, exploring, decorating, learning Spanish, hosting, excercising, and lastly but most importantly feeling uber guilty for not staying in touch with my stateside friends and family. Truth be told, it's exhausting acclimating to an entirely new life abroad and by the time my precious three have been securely tucked and re tucked into their beds my free time feels a lot more like my flop time. I've had little energy left to put into relationships and I've been feeling like a jerk for it.

How do you balance all those relationships you cherish from 'home' and making a new life for yourself in your new home? I'm still grappling with that here. So really a thanks to those who have said, 'hey why aren't you posting?" I need the accountability. If you like reading, you know what else would really help me stay current? Just comment every now and then if it strikes your fancy or with questions. If you don't comment I don't know if I have an audience or not.

So heres a shout out that I'm back on the blog'n wagon. Of course it's gonna take little time to catch up.


Christi said...

Loved your pictures on facebook. I thought that was so interesting how your daughter wasn't so sure about dressing up because of the new culture she is in. We all kinda want to fit in.

Grandma Shirley said...

Thank you for some update, Nicole.
Hope your Easter went well. Hope the box arrived so the lambies could pop out and the Spanish Bible Stories were there. Wondered how the celebration was different this year in the new culture. Can't get through on the phone number that starts with the plus sign. Left a message on the jack phone. Would love to see pictures and hear voices too.
Smooches and Hugs to all.
Grandma Shirley

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs. It gives me a birds eye view of living in another country which I find fascinating! Love you guys- Becky

Erin said...

glad you are back to writing! Completely understand being so exhausted, though :)

MJ said...

Love ya lady and so glad you are back at the blogging... maybe it will be contagious and I will start too!?!