Friday, September 30, 2011

Mama always said

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin
Note: Pictures will be added when I find that cord thingy that connects the camera to my computer...

My Mama always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's been two weeks since I've posted, besides the two I just put up (they were drafts). I haven't had much nice to say, and I was beginning to fear that I was using my blog as a big whine fest. Seriously, who wants to read about a girl fussing about how hard it is to move abroad. The fact remains, it's hard work. Let's just be clear for those of you who may have some misconceptions about the romantic notion of moving to Europe - this ain't no vacation. At least not, yet.

We've been here 33 days now, and I figure it's just about time to get back into writing. Here's the facts to catch you up. We've moved hotels, and have spent the last two weeks at a lovely four star hotel in the heart of Sant Cugat (the little town outside of Barcelona that we've fallen in love with and will live in). We are in very short walking distance of groceries, shops, restaurants, and parks. We've got two adjoining rooms which means kids in one and adultos in the other which is a massive improvement!

Our air freight arrived in perfect shape on Asher's birthday which was fantastic considering it had his birthday presents within. It was a huge celebration by all, sort of like Christmas, probably less meaningful that Jesus's birthday, but definitely more exciting than any Christmas morning we've ever had. We'd been waiting for these items for two weeks and you'd think it had been two years what with all the squeals of delight!

The kids are adjusted to and loving school. Their teachers are perfectly suited for each of them. Big A's love's art and has worked in museums all over the world, Medium A's is a highly skilled seasoned teacher who knows how to handle a boy with some passion. Both are American, which is an added bonus.

Our house is nearly finished! We've been anxiously waiting for it and visiting it several times a week. The interior is completely done and the exterior has some final touches and it too will be completed. We've ordered a few furnishings to get us by until our container comes (which is who knows when) and they are set to be delivered tomorrow. Now, you see why I've finally caught my breath enough to sit down and write a bit. Sweet relief of having a place of our own to lay my babes heads down at night is on the way...

I haven't had any time to sit down and study Spanish with my Rosetta program, or apply for language schools, HOWever I'm understanding more and more every day. I wish I could say the same for my speech... I don't think I'm sounding any better or forming correct sentences. But I am able to get the idea across. Enough to compare mattresses with the saleswomen, ask questions and order them for delivery all by myself! Well, hubs was there for moral support. I was walking around tonight and realized that I was so relaxed I was actually comprehending surrounding conversation bits without even trying. let's just say the light bulb is seriously considering turning on in my brain. Wouldn't that be grand?

My driving has improved, I don't grip the wheel quite as tightly, don't always need the GPS, and some days go by without even a honk, the odd look or hand flail. However, it's still intimidating driving in heart of Barcelona... I'd rather take the train. You always get there on time when you take public transport. Pretty much never when we drive.

I've seen a bit of Barcelona beauty. Our new Spanish friends Ester and her novio, Jose Luiz were kind enough to take us to Plaza Espana and show off some of the pretties. And we're going to Spanish speaking church again this weekend. The kids were begging us to return before we'd even left last week. God has richly blessed us indeed.


Christi said...

I have been thinking about you, wondering if you have become a little more settled. So amazed by your bravery and willingness to experience it all, even when it's so hard. Keep giving the whole scoop, even the tough stuff.

Grandma Shirley said...

Dear Family,

Suz told me you were moving in this week-end. Happy Birthday Annika! I hope it is a fun adjustment and the rest of your stuff arrives soon. enjoying the blogs and a glimpse through the ventana. I hope Anni got her Starbucks and that you all can celebrate there soon. Let me know how it turns out. So glad you have a church that the kids enjoy too! Blessed indeed! XOXOXOXOXO,
Grandma Shirley