Friday, September 2, 2011


Just an admin post here -- I'm writing this blog primarily for my friends at home in the States as a way for you to see into life in Spain, thus the title, Spain window. Please leave your questions and curiosities in the comments section and I'll try to answer them the best I can. That way I can post things of interest to you, my readers.

Now I've got a request of you. If you find something funny, strange or even stupid please tell me. I don't have a lot of english speaking interaction and I'm craving some comments.

Also, not sure if any of you use Twitter, but I have a feed going that notifies followers of new posts to my blog.

Thanks a bunch! 


Christi said...

I am loving your blog and excited to be connected with you again! Probably most people know the whole background story of what made you go to Spain but I'm curious about how this all unfolded.

Also, I think reading about your kids' school experiences will be SO interesting.

Actually, everything is interesting just because it shows life in a different culture.

I'm amazed at your courage!!

maneuveringthemaze said...

I am getting email notifications when you post! It is exciting to hear of your adventures.
If anything interesting happens I will let you know, but mostly it is the "same old, same old" these days.
Love ya,